1st day: meeting at 9:30 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. at the Langeac domaine du Prad'eau campsite, distribution of equipment, bus ride back to Prades.
Route from Prades to Langeac 15 km class 2+ approximately 3 hours of navigation.
Night at the Langeaccampsite.
2nd day: Langeac to Lavoûte - Chilhac 17 km class 2 approximately 3h30 of navigation.
Night at the Lavoûte-Chilhaccampsite.
3rd day: Lavoûte - Chilhac to Brioude 24 km class 2 approximately 4h30 of navigation.
Shuttle ride from Brioude to Langeac campsite.